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Oak Lodge School

Key Stage 3

Middle School: Key Stage 3

Curriculum Outline

The Middle School (KS3) Department works closely with feeder primary schools and families, observing prospective students in their educational setting and taking account of available information to assign each new student to the most suitable class.

The department is organised into classes of mixed Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9 students, grouped using a comprehensive range of factors including:

  • Cognitive ability
  • Sensory Needs
  • Opportunities for communication partners
  • Developmental level
  • Existing social relationships.
  • Student voice

Students study a modified national curriculum based on a thematic and functional approach, at an appropriate developmental level.  Thematic learning is a holistic, integrated teaching approach that promotes wider coverage of the curriculum through a variety of interconnected activities.  Additionally, all staff will seek to engage students through their own special interests and incorporate these in learning opportunities where possible.

The majority of lessons are taught by the form teacher supported by two or more teaching assistants.  Additionally, classes are taught by a range of specialist subject teachers e.g. Art, Music, PE, Cooking, Journeys and Communication.

 Some students will also access support from NHS therapists for physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy where this is indicated by Section F of the Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). Therapists provide training, advice and strategies to staff to create an integrated approach to therapies as apart of the universal provision offer so that students can get the most out of any programmes or recommendations.

Additionally, students may be referred to additional bespoke interventions (e.g. Art or Music therapy or nurture groups) to support their mental wellbeing – this is always done in close consultation with their families but if you would like more information on this please contact the school.

For further information about our learning offer, please see our Curriculum Outline