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Oak Lodge School


Oak Lodge is a converter Special Academy managed by Barnet Special Education Trust. It is funded for 200 places for students between the ages of 11 - 19 years with a wide range of moderate or complex learning difficulties. For 2023-24 the school is oversubscribed.

Most students join the School at 'secondary transfer' (Year 7). However, the School and Trust will always consider suitable admission requests for older students, if places are available. Successful applications for admission will identify Oak Lodge as the most appropriate provision for the needs of the student; where they will find a peer group that supports their wellbeing, and where they will have the best chance of making academic and personal progress.

For a young person to be admitted to Oak Lodge, the School must be named by a local authority in their Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). The overwhelming majority of young people admitted are resident in the London Borough of Barnet, but we will also work in partnership with other local authorities and parents/carers to assess the suitability of potential applicants for a place.

The School and Trust must consent to being named on an EHCP, except where admitting the young person would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education for other students; and where no reasonable steps may be made to secure compatibility. The School and Trust will have regard to relevant guidance issued by the Secretary of State to maintained schools when making its determination.

In some circumstances the school may also admit a young person for the purposes of an assessment of their educational needs, in agreement with the LA, the Academy trust, the young person’s parent and any other professional whose advice is to be sought in accordance with regulations.

Parents/Carers considering Oak Lodge for their child are encouraged to visit the school. Please contact the school office info@oaklodgeschool.org or telephone 02084446711 to make an appointment.

If following your visit you are interested in a place for your child and you are a Barnet resident, you should contact the Special Needs Department by email at senadmin@barnet.gov.uk or telephone 020 8359 7007. If you live outside of Barnet, please contact your relevant local authority for further information.