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Oak Lodge School

Therapy Provision

The school works in close partnership with therapeutic colleagues from local NHS services to provide speech & language therapy, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, where this has been indicated on an Education, Health and Care Plan.

We also have excellent links with Barnet CAMHS, supporting their provision of support for emotional and mental health.

The school also employs its own physiotherapy assistants, speech & language therapy assistant and a specialist counsellor to complement the work of NHS colleagues.

We have specialist accommodation for physiotherapy, together with office space that enables all multi-disciplinary colleagues to work effectively together. Therapists also work alongside teaching colleagues in the classroom, integrating therapeutic activities into the daily learning routines of the school.
Please click here to see the most recent letter from Whittington Health NHS regarding provision at Oak Lodge School. 
The Whittington Health trust also provides virtual training sessions and 'drop-in' sessions for therapy provision and eating and drinking.